For Calendar Year 2018
There were 3,102 volunteer hours recorded for an average of 258 hours per month.
We served 1267 families and a total of 5617 people. The breakdown was 4578 from Allen, 168 from Lucas, 93 from Fairview and 776 from Other.
The Other Count of 776 can be broken down into – McKinney 468, Princeton 3 Anna 45, Plano 38, Melissa 4, and Unknown Cities 218.
14 % of the families we are serving come from outside our normal area.
There were 5,615 volunteer hours recorded for the year.
The summer school program gave out approximately 525 school bags.
At Thanksgiving we gave out 150 Thanksgiving Turkeys and bags filled with traditional Thanksgiving foods.
AMA Food Pantry is staffed entirely by Volunteers. More than 100 active Volunteers donated more than 3,100 hours of service in 2018. Volunteers purchase food items, stock Food Pantry shelves, fill Client food orders and interface with Clients. Additional Volunteers are needed and always welcome.
Donations of food and financial gifts enable the AMA Food Pantry to distribute life’s essentials to those in need.
Since the AMA Food Pantry has no paid employees, nearly all the financial gifts are used to purchase the food needed for distribution.

During the month of January we served 104 families, 475 people and used 283.5 volunteer hours.
During the month of February we served 107 families, 477 people and used 301 volunteer hours.
During the month of March we served 102 families 458 people and used 227.5 volunteer hours.
During the month of April we served 99 families, 414 people and used 246 volunteer hours.
During the month of May we served 89 families, 383 people and used 190.5 volunteer hours.
During the month of June we served 90 families, 390 people and used 238 volunteer hours
During the month of July we served 110 families, 470 people and used 303.5 volunteer hours.
During the month of August we served 105 families, 471 people and used 255.5 volunteer hours.
During the month of Sept we served 119 families, 531 people and used 267 volunteer hours
During the month of Oct we served 128 families, 563 people and used 253 volunteer hours
During the month of Nov we served 106 families, 484 people and used 332.5 volunteer hours.
During the month of Dec we served 108 families, 499 people and used 203.5 volunteer hours.