All donations go directly to the purchase of food and supporting our School Kids Emergency Assistance and Summer Food Program
Allen Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry is now offering PayPal as a convenient way for Donors to provide monetary support.
If at anytime you have any questions or concerns about your donation or any emails you receive from us please fill out this form and we will contact you within 24 hours. This form is sent to our webmaster, treasurer and president. Contact Us Form
To make a monetary or memorial donation to the Allen Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry, please choose from the following options:
PayPal: Click the PayPal button, QR Code, or follow the PayPal link.

Or mail a check to Allen Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry
*Please make checks payable to: Allen Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry
Allen Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry
1515 N. Greenville Avenue
Allen, TX 75002
Attn: AMA Food Pantry Business Office